How do I add dates to my calendar?
You can add dates to your Google/outlook/apple calendar application in several ways using getregistered.
As an Event Administrator
All Events
Once logged into your admin system, you will find there is an 'Add to Calendar' button on the 'All Events' page (see below). Clicking this will add all of the dates, for all of your events, to your local calendar application.
Single Event
For individual events, there is an 'Add to Calendar' button on the event dashboard under 'Edit Event'. Clicking this will add all of the dates for just that event to your calendar.
As an Attendee
Once registered, there are several ways that Attendees can add the start & end dates for the event to their local calendars.
- Every confirmation email contains an invite to the event itself. This is in the form of an attachment, and most common email applications (Gmail, Google, Apple Mail, etc.) will automatically add the event to their local calendar application.
- When logged in and viewing their registration, there is an 'Add to Calendar' button at the top of the page. Clicking this will add the event start & end dates to their local calendar application.