How do I view and create reports for my event?
Start by clicking on the 'Reports' tile!
As an Event User, you can create, view and download custom reports based on registrations made specifically for your events. Only Admin Event Users can create Reports for an event - as a Regular Event User, you only can view Reports created for your event, and these are specified in your permissions by an Admin Event User.
Once you have entered the 'Reports' area, you will see an index of all reports that have been created for your event - as any Event User role, you can view a report by clicking the 'View' button displayed inline with the report you wish to view, or download a copy of a report by clicking the inline 'Download XLSX'/'Download CSV' option according to your preferred format.
As an Admin Event User, you will see additional options available - the most obvious one being the 'New Report' option. By clicking this, you will be taken to a new page and be asked to create a name for your new report - this is what will be displayed when viewing the 'Reports' index and when setting reports permissions for Regular Event Users. Below this you will see a list of all sections and fields available on your event's registration form - by clicking the checkbox displayed to the left of a field, all attendee information registered for this field will be displayed on your report when saved. If you wish to gather all attendee information for a specific section of your event's registration form, click the 'Select All' checkbox displayed to the right of the section title - this will add all fields within the section to your report when saved.
Once you are ready to save your new report, click the 'Create Report' button at the bottom of the page. You will be taken directly to your new report and can return to the 'Reports' area by clicking on the blue 'Custom Reports' option displayed on your report title.
Viewing Revenue in a Report
When the 'Fee Calculator' option has been selected on your event settings, you can assign monetary values to choices and options in your event registration form, which are then collected in a virtual 'shopping cart' for each registration.