Can I personalize the registration messages shown in my events?

Yes! You can find this feature under 'Custom Messages' in the event editor by changing event settings.

Registration messages displayed in your event microsite can be personalized to fit your specific event or company requirements. The ability to set these messages is available both when creating and editing your events, and can be changed at any point in the event's timeline. When you enter the new/edit event form, you will have the ability to personalize the following messages:

  • Registration not open: This is the message you'd like attendees to see when they enter your event microsite but registrations haven't opened yet.
  • Registration by: This is the message you'd like attendees to see when registrations are open for your event and they enter your event microsite.
  • Registration closed: This is the message you'd like attendees to see when they enter your event microsite and registrations have closed.
  • Registration frozen: This is the message you'd like attendees to see when they enter your event microsite and registrations have been frozen.
  • Registration successful: This is the message you'd like attendees to see when they have successfully completed their registration form.
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