How do I add a section to an event microsite?

You can add a section using the tools on the right-hand side of the microsite editor.

  • Section Title - displays a title for your section when viewed on the microsite, this field is mandatory.
  • Section Content - allows you to add the text you want to be displayed in the section for your microsite. Text can be formatted using Markdown (see our 'Markdown Help Sheet' in *** for a full breakdown of how to use this type of text formatting).
  • File Download - this allows you to upload a document, picture, or file and make it available for download from the microsite. You can give your file a title, which the attendee can click on to download the file from the section when viewed in the microsite, otherwise, the actual filename will be displayed by default.
  • Background Image - this option provides you with the ability to add a 'background' image for your section. When you create multiple sections for your site, getregistered® will provide you with alternating colored backgrounds by default... but if you want to personalize your microsite, upload an image here and make it your own!
  • Inline Image - this is a handy feature that allows you to add small inline images such as a speaker's headshot, hotel logo, etc.

When editing or creating anything in the Event Microsite Editor, you will always have the option to save or reset your work by using the options provided on the top right of the page. Please remember to 'Save' regularly - we do not provide any automatic saving abilities, meaning if you don't hit 'Save' then any work you have created will be lost. You also can 'Reset' your work, clicking on this will remove any changes made since the last time you saved your microsite.

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