What types of users can I create in my events?

People who interact with getregistered® come in two flavors - Event Users and Attendees

  • Event Users are people who can interact with administrative areas of getregistered®, and are defined as either ‘Admin’ or ‘Regular’ Users.
  • Attendees are people who can access and register at an event, but only through the getregistered® microsite for the event. An attendee will receive an email invite to the event that contains a link that takes them directly to the event microsite.

As an Admin Event User, you can create new Admin and Regular Event Users for your event or organization. You also have the ability to add new Attendees to your event via the back office system. 

Regular Users and Attendees cannot create new users of any kind!

Who are ‘Admin’ Event Users?

‘Admin’ Event Users have access to all information across events. They have the power to edit and create attendee registrations, interact with the ‘Checkins’ system during an event, create reports based on attendee registrations, create event Users (Regular or Admin) within getregistered®, edit event details (such as the Title, Start/End dates, registration opening times etc), and access the event microsite.

They have full access to the ‘Event Dashboard’, which is found in the ‘Admin’ area (accessed by selecting the ‘Admin’ option at the bottom of the page in the event microsite).

Who are 'Regular Event Users'?

Regular Event Users are basically limited Admins, and are only permitted to access events as set by an Admin User. They do have access to the Admin area, but can only access the ‘Reports’ section, and can only access reports that have been permitted by Admin users. Regular Event Users cannot create reports, nor can they access any other features in the Admin Area.

So why do we need ‘Regular’ Users?

Regular Users still have a valuable role within getregistered®. For example, you may have a hotel contact you want to share the rooming list with, or maybe a client who wants to see who has signed up for what session. You don’t want them to have full access to the ‘back office’ as it is not necessary, but they will still need this information. 

So, an Admin User can create a Regular User account for them, and grant them access to the event and to any reports you have created for them. Regular Users can view this report through your Event Dashboard and gather the information they need while you are safe in the knowledge that all the other event and registration information is completely secure and only accessible to you.

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